Inside Cupertino

Microsoft hires Kelly Clarkson to open its store

Microsoft is pulling out all the stops to make sure everyone knows it has a store in Metrotown on Novemeber 8th in Vancouver, Canada. They are opening the store this month and pulling out all the stops by hiring Kelly Clarkson to perform.

kelly clarkson burnabyApple of course is famous for its store openings with people lining up around the block just to get in. Apple does give out free t-shirts but that’s about it. Microsoft is trying to copy Apple but it is having a hard time staying relevant, so maybe with this new strategy of hiring celebrities, people might actually show up at their store openings.

So is this strategy going to work for Microsoft or is this going to be a one time hit where people will come for Kelly but not come back?

Desperate times call for desperate measures, perhaps.

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